The Mission:

The Ancient Kingdom of Cambodia not long ago was ravaged by Communist Dictator, Pol Pot. His Communist Khmer Rouge government led Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. During that time, an estimated 1.5 to 2 million Cambodians died of starvation, execution, disease, or overwork. Pol Pot began an attempted horrific genocide upon his own people in an attempt to socially engineer a classless communist society. He took particular aim at intellectuals, city residents, civil servants, and religious leaders. Pol Pot executed nearly 40% of his own people in a short period of time in what is now known as "The Killing Fields." He is regarded as one of the most barbaric and murderous leaders in history. The Khmer Rouge party had completely collapsed by the end of the 1990s with Pol Pot himself dying in 1998 at the age of 72.

Since this time Cambodia has tried to heal in every way. These humble, hardworking, loving people still suffer and carry life-long scars. They have been deprived of any hope whatsoever for so long and as a result, the country has suffered emotionally, physically, economically, and of course spiritually. By the power of the Living God and your generosity towards the Power of Grace Radio, this is about to change! 

The goal:

We are reaching the forgotten people of Cambodia. Help us get 100,000 radios into the hands of those who are hungry for the Word of God.

Power of Grace Radio currently connects artists, speakers, authors, and churches with local Cambodian ministries to distribute radios that broadcast the Gospel through preaching and music in the Cambodian language.

The radios are pre-programmed to receive only ONE frequency...OURS!!! So, the only thing that will tune in is 24/7 Christian music, teaching and preaching. 

Churches, groups, and individuals are encouraged to sponsor a radio for a one- time sponsorship fee.  Many people choose to sponsor multiple radios reaching even more Cambodians. These sponsorships are used to secure the radios and distribute them through the local ministry teams on the ground throughout Cambodia.

My response:

What a powerful opportunity for us as believers to take back the “airwaves” that have long been dominated by the prince of evil! Your gift of a radio is literally a beacon of light into the darkness. Your gift of a radio is much more than a mere $50, it is changing lives eternally. The only thing we can take into eternity with us is what we invest in the Eternal Kingdom of our Lord. Your gift is eternal!

Please prayerfully consider making a one-time gift, or a monthly donation to get these radios into the hands of those who may have no other means to hear the Gospel.

Ready to donate?

Group Radio Outreach

We've had several churches and individuals ask recently about how their church, Sunday School or small group can sponsor radios as a special event, or as an ongoing outreach of their Sunday School or Church Missions Team. We'd love to talk with you about this possibility, and provide you with resources to help with a presentation to your group, either in person, or via electronic media --at your convenience. If you are interested in getting more information about this type of sponsorship, please submit this form.